„Edewecht“ (Pseudonym)
Passend zum Penisfoto-Thread:
Devon Cole - W.I.T.C.H
What a woman, in total control of herself... [...]

Fatal Bazooka - " Ce soir, Sans mon SEXE "

Serenity was ein cooler Song. Kannte ich nicht 😍

Gimme the food - Miss Platnum
Mag ich immer noch ☺️

„Horb am Neckar“ (Pseudonym)
Princess Nokia - Gross

„Bühl“ (Pseudonym)
Can't Get You out of My Head (Cover) - AnnenMayKantereit x Parcels
Oft finde ich Cover eher nicht so toll, das hier gefällt mir 🤗

„Edewecht“ (Pseudonym)
@Moaning Myrtle Das ist schön, gerade mit diesen besonderen Stimmen 😍
Taylor Swift - Willow

„Edewecht“ (Pseudonym)
Nervling - Dauersauer

„Edewecht“ (Pseudonym)
Ga-Ga-Gasputin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkOOPy9Lr_s&t=4s

„Edewecht“ (Pseudonym)
"You can’t make a god of somebody who’s not even half of a half-decent man”

„Edewecht“ (Pseudonym)
*langsam in den Morgen reingroovt*

„Edewecht“ (Pseudonym)
Carly Rae Jepsen - Beach House
" Boy #1 made a picnic for two
Saw he was nervous, I thought it was cute
Until I found out that his mom made the food
(It was good though)
Boy #2 had a beautiful face
Highly agreed to go back to his place
His wife really had some impeccable taste
(She was sweet though)
Boys around the world
I want to believe that
When you chase a girl
It’s not just hunting season
I can see the future, say it like you mean it"

„Edewecht“ (Pseudonym)
Ed Sheeran - A-Team

„Edewecht“ (Pseudonym)
Jax - Victora's Secret
God, I wish somebody would've told me
When I was younger that all bodies aren't the same
Photoshop, itty bitty models on magazine covers
Told me I was overweight
I stopped eating, what a bummer
Can't have carbs in a hot girl summer
If I could go back and tell myself
When I was younger, I'd say, psst
I know Victoria's secret
And girl, you wouldn't believe
She's an old man who lives in Ohio
Making money off of girls like me
Cashing in on body issues
Selling skin and bones with big boobs
I know Victoria's secret
She was made up by a dude (dude)
Victoria was made up by a dude (dude)
Victoria was made up by a dude
I wish somebody would've told me that thighs of thunder
Meant normal human thighs
The fucking pressure I was under
To lose my appetite
And fight the cellulite with hunger games like every night
If I could go back and tell myself
When I was younger, I'd say
"Hey, dummy"
I know Victoria's secret
Girl, you wouldn't believe
She's an old man who lives in Ohio
Making money off of girls like me
Cashing in on body issues
Selling skin and bones with big boobs
I know Victoria's secret
She was made up by a dude (dude)
Victoria was made up by a dude (dude)
Victoria was made up by a dude
I know Victoria's secret
And girl, you wouldn't believe
She's an old man who lives in Ohio
Making money off of girls like me
Cashing in on body issues
Selling skin and bones with big boobs
I know Victoria's secret
She was made up by a dude
I know Victoria's secret
And girl, you wouldn't believe
She's an old man who lives in Ohio
Making money off of girls like me
Cashing in on body issues
Selling skin and bones with big boobs
I know Victoria's secret
She was never made for me and you

„Edewecht“ (Pseudonym)
Die Performance von Pink mit ihrer Tochter Willow 💗

„Heidenheim an der Brenz“ (Pseudonym)
Ich find die Band einfach klasse

„Edewecht“ (Pseudonym)
Peter Fox (feat Vanessa Mason) - Zucker
Boys flirting like:
"Mach mal nicht auf Drama hier, ich knack dich wie ein Schalentier,
du wirkst irgendwie verspannt, komm ich werd dich mal massiern,
hab dich analysiert, du bist hübsch aber blasiert"

„Edewecht“ (Pseudonym)
Cooler männlicher Künstler mit Extrakilos - was für eine Stimme
Lewis Capaldi - Forget Me

Udo Lindenberg Durch die schweren Zeiten

„Edewecht“ (Pseudonym)
@Marrs Nicht schlecht!
Für ein bißchen Aufmunterung und da es ein 3h Loop ist, ev. auch für die anstehenden Halloween Folterungen geeignet. 🎃🎃🎃

„Edewecht“ (Pseudonym)
Plus-Size Stimmenpower
Chrissy Metz - Actress